
In order to use the module, you need to have the latest version of the AzerothCore emulator.

Using GIT

  1. You must enter the folder where you have the emulator, for example: cd ~/azerothcore and then to the modules folder: cd modules.

  2. Then you have to clone the repository git clone -b master

  3. Using cmake, you build the solution.

  4. Finally, run the SQL inside the data folder or use the db_assembler to incorporate the SQL files from the module.

Without using GIT

If you don’t use git, the process is similar to the one above, the only difference is that instead of cloning the repository, you will download the .zip and add it to the modules folder inside the emulator.

Note: Please note, that the folder name should be in this case: mod-quest-status, however, when you download the .zip the folder will be named: mod-quest-status-master. Rename the folder, removing the -master from the directory.

We recommend using git. To have access to the updates that may arise, either because of problems within the module, or because the emulator api is updated, add commands, e.t.c.